The Act on the Right of Access to Information makes possible and ensures the exercise of the right of access to information to natural and legal persons through the openness and public work of bodies of public authority, prescribes the principles of the right of access to information, exceptions to the right of access to information and procedures for the exercise and the protection of the right of access to information.
The right to access the information possessed by, disposed of and controlled by the SOA is exercised by submitting a request.
If the request is submitted in written form, a Request for access to information form has to be filled in. The completed form can be sent to:
• Address: Security and Intelligence Agency, Savska cesta 39/1, 10 000 Zagreb
• E-mail address:
Act on the Right of Access to Information („Narodne novine“ broj 25/13)
Catalogue of Information of the SOA
Request for access to information form